Author: Callaghan, Dympna

Title: Marlowe's Last Poem: Elegiac Aesthetics and the Epitaph on Sir Roger Manwood

Book: Christopher Marlowe the Craftsman

Editor: Scott, Sarah K.; Stapleton, Michael L.

Year: 2010

Pages: 159–176

City: Farnham

Publisher: Ashgate

ISBN: 978-0754669838

Author: Cheney, Patrick

Title: Introduction: Authorship in Marlowe's Poems

Book: The Collected Poems of Christopher Marlowe

Editor: Cheney, Patrick; Striar, Brian J.

Year: 2006

Pages: 1–25

City: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

ISBN: 978-0195147773

Author: Juster, A. M.

Title: Marlowe on Manwood

Journal: Arion

Year: 2014

Volume: 21

Number: 3

Pages: 29


Author: Mann, Jenny C.

Title: Marlowe's translations

Book: Christopher Marlowe in Context

Editor: Bartels, Emily Carroll; Smith, Emma

Year: 2013

Pages: 110–122

City: Cambridge

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

ISBN: 9781139060882


Author: Marlowe, Christopher

Title: All Ovids Elegies, Lucans First Booke, Dido Queene of Carthage, Hero and Leander

Editor: Gill, Roma

Series: The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe

Year: 1986

Volume: 1

City: Oxford

Publisher: Clarendon Press

ISBN: 0-19-811878-3


Author: Marlowe, Christopher

Title: The Collected Poems of Christopher Marlowe

Editor: Cheney Patrick; Striar, Brian J.

Year: 2006

City: New York

Publisher: Oxford University Press

ISBN: 978-0195147773

Author: Prideaux, W. F.

Title: Marlowe's 'Epithaph on Sir Roger Manwood'

Journal: Notes and Queries

Year: 1910

Volume: s11-II

Number: 2

Pages: 24