Title: Marlowe: Tamburlaine the Great, Edward the Second and The Jew of Malta

Editor: Brown, John Russell

Series: Casebook Series

Year: 1982

City: London

Publisher: Macmillan

ISBN: 0333283643

Title: Bertolt Brecht, Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England: Vorlage, Texte und Materialien

Editor: Grimm, Reinhold

Series: Edition Suhrkamp

Year: 1968

Volume: 245

Pages: 268

City: Frankfurt am Main

Publisher: Suhrkamp

Edition: 8. Auflage

ISBN: 3-518-10245-1

Title: Christopher Marlowe: The Critical Heritage

Editor: MacLure, Millar

Series: Critical Heritage Series

Year: 1998

Pages: XIII, 207 S.

City: London

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 0415134161

Title: Marlowe, Shakespeare, Burgess: Anthony Burgess and his Elizabethan Affiliations

Editor: Woodroffe, Graham

Series: Anthony Burgess Centre series

Year: 2012

Volume: 3

City: Angers

Publisher: Presses de l'Université d'Angers

ISBN: 9782915751482