Scuro.2015-Placing and Playing the Past: History, Politics, and Spatial Ambiguity in Richard Mulcaster’s "The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage" and Christopher Marlowe’s "Edward II"

Author: Scuro, Courtney Naum

Title: Placing and Playing the Past: History, Politics, and Spatial Ambiguity in Richard Mulcaster's "The Queen's Majesty's Passage" and Christopher Marlowe's "Edward II"

Journal: Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association

Year: 2015

Volume: 48

Number: 2

Pages: 71–94

Type: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Scuro, Courtney Naum. Placing and Playing the Past: History, Politics, and Spatial Ambiguity in Richard Mulcaster’s "The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage" and Christopher Marlowe’s "Edward II." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, vol. 48, no. 2, 2015, pp. 71–94.

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