Pursgrove.1999-Shallow Rivers and Sour Canals: Some Transformations of Marlowe’s Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Author: Pursgrove, Glyn

Title: Shallow Rivers and Sour Canals: Some Transformations of Marlowe's Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Book: Elizabethan Literature and Transformation

Editor: Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine

Series: Studies in English and Comparative Literature

Year: 1999

Pages: 213–226

City: Tübingen

Publisher: Stauffenburg Verlag

ISBN: 978-3860573150

Type: Beitrag

Pursgrove, Glyn. Shallow Rivers and Sour Canals: Some Transformations of Marlowe’s "Passionate Shepherd to His Love." Elizabethan Literature and Transformation, edited by Sabine Coelsch-Foisner, Stauffenburg Verlag, 1999, pp. 213–26. Studies in English and Comparative Literature 15.

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